NewPipe APK (Official)

Everyone needs some entertainment in their lives and so many of us love watching videos on YouTube. But YouTube has so many ads and numerous privacy options. To stay away from tons of ads, you can probably buy Youtube premium but we won’t recommend that. As you are here, we love to share a great mobile application called NewPipe APK. It is a free Youtube client and open-source Android program that you can find on Github. Read more about NewPipe APK in this article.

Version 0.26.1

About NewPipe APK

NewPipe is awesome. NewPipe is small in size, lightweight, fast, secure, free open-source, and whatnot. There are hundreds of such features available in NewPipe APK but the most important is “It is ad-free.” Yes, if you want to use Youtube without ads and don’t know how? You can install NewPipe APK on your Android device. NewPipe APK is simple to install, and secure, and you can definitely trust this app as it’s openly available with the source code. Stay with us for more exciting information about NewPipe APK.

A Short Story of NewPipe APK

So here goes the story, NewPipe which is a free youtube client, begin its journey and was first released in the Year 2015 and since that day, it’s improving. In 2023, NewPipe is one of the best alternatives for Youtube Premium if you want security and looking for trust. You can always check the NewPipe Official Website for new changelogs, updates, bug fixes, updates, and lots of improvements. Also, you can support the developers by donating to them. Speaking of NewPipe APK, it is free to use and malware-free.

Get The Latest NewPipe APK for Android

Package NameNewPipe APK
Size10 MB
Developed ByChristian Schabesberger
Last UpdateFeb 23, 2024

Explore Features of NewPipe APK

  1. Lightweight App
  2. Many Downloads Options
  3. Extended Privacy Support
  4. Background Play Available
  5. Popup Player
  6. Subscriptions Support
  7. History Also Available

Fast, Small-in-Size, Battery-Saving, Less Internet

Do you know NewPipe is an exciting app that has almost everything? It is small in size, lightweight, and saves your battery. You don’t really need tons of storage space to install this app as it is just 10 MB in size. It is faster and even takes less of your internet data with the best video play settings.

Customized Downloading

For people who love downloading videos from Youtube, NewPipe is for you too! You can easily download any video from Youtube. Also, you can choose various customization when saving the video on your device. For example, you can change the Title of the video, you can download captions in various languages, and you can also select the video quality when downloading it. Also, video formats such as MKV, MP4, etc. can be chosen as well at the time of downloading a video.

Many Privacy Options

Google regulates Youtube and we know there can be many Google APIs but in NewPipe, there is no such thing. NewPipe doesn’t send any extra information anywhere and it saves all the data offline on your device. Like, on Youtube, you get ads recommendation from Google but it ain’t happening in NewPipe.

Enjoy in Background

People love listening to music, so, you can do it. Just play the video in the background and save your device’s battery or RAM. Turn off (lock the display) and enjoy music. You can also download audio from any Youtube video with NewPipe.

Custom Video Player

NewPipe also offers a custom video player where you can watch all the videos. This video player supports PiP Mode too, you can drag it anywhere you like on the screen. This feature is available for all Android versions.

Subscribe/Watch Your Favorite Channels

NewPipe works like the original Youtube. You can subscribe to any channel, watch your feed, and explore suggested videos. You can also import or export subscriptions from your device too and share them with others. Also, tap on favorites to watch videos from your selected Youtube channels.

Create/Import Playlists

NewPipe also offers a popular feature which is creating playlists. You can create new playlists and add your favorite videos to them. You can also import these playlists and share them anywhere. Also, people can make their favorite videos too. All this data can be shared with others too. It means if you buy a new device and want to transfer all your Newpipe data to a new device, you can.

History and Suggestions

Do you love watching videos from your history, NewPipe has this feature. You can watch videos from your old history too. Also, it supports suggestions too, you can get search recommendations too according to your searches.

Something More That You Need to Know About NewPipe APK

There are many things that still you should know if you are here for NewPipe. Check out the following features. Hope you will enjoy reading this extra special info!

  • Newpipe Legacy
  • New Releases & Changelogs
  • Newpipe on GitHub
  • Support Newpipe Developers

Legacy: The NewPipe Legacy is a smaller version of NewPipe with the old Android support. It supports a minimum of Android 4.4. Hence, people with old Android devices can still be able to enjoy all the features of NewPipe.

Changelogs: One of the best features of NewPipe is its changelogs option. Everyone can access it and find what’s new and which bug is fixed. Each small update detail is shown in the changelog menu. Whenever NewPipe gets a new update, you can find everything related to that update in the changelog options.

Open Source Program: NewPipe is a completely open source program and you can get all the files at GitHub. Along with the files, you can also access a help tab where you can find all the found bugs and fixed bugs. Users can also report new bugs in that tab. It is such a great thing in the world of fraud apps such as those WhatsApp Mods that only steals users’ data and sell them. It’s the reason we all love NewPipe.

Availability: Newpipe is completely free and available in more than 100+ languages and it’s such a great honor for a third-party application.

Support Newpipe: As there are developers that work hard on Newpipe, we should support them by donating a little (if you love this free-youtube-client).

Do You Need an Installation Guide for Android

Yes, it’s an important question, do you really need to know the installation? Listen, if you are familiar with installing third-party APKs or unknown source APKs (outside Playstore), then you are good to go don’t read the installing guide for NewPipe APK. But if you are new and have no idea of installing such files. Then you should read this simple installation guide for NewPipe for Android. Just follow these steps carefully and it will take less than a minute. Let’s go!

  1. Download NewPipe from our website from the given download links.
  2. For users with Android Version KitKat 4.4, you can download NewPipe Legacy as it supports that Android version, and for everyone who has an Android 5.0 Lollipop or higher version, you can simply download the normal NewPipe APK.
  3. After downloading, open the APK file and enable “Unknown Source Installation“. Then tap on the install button. Always remember, you should enable the unknown source installation in the settings to install NewPipe because it is a third-party application.
  4. NewPipe APK will be installed successfully.
  5. You can now use NewPipe on your Android devices and enjoy watching Youtube without ads and save your internet with background play support.

Some Useful Quation Asked By Users

Why use NewPipe APK?

If you can’t buy Youtube Premium and want to watch Youtube without those annoying ads, get NewPipe, right now. It’s free and safe.

NewPipe APK is safe?

Yes, NewPipe has no virus or malware. No root is required either.

What are the best features of NewPipe?

Free, Small in size, eats less RAM, Background Play, and has Zero Ads. What else do you need?

What is Newpipe Legacy?

It is NewPipe with Lower Android version requirements. People with Android 4.4 can use NewPipe Legacy.

Last Word by Author

Newpipe is an amazing Youtube Client that offers no ads, and no premium plans. It’s completely free and open-source. Personally, my team loves NewPipe. If you read this article and found it interesting, you can also download NewPipe on your Android devices. We know that there are many ways to watch Youtube without ads on mobile but if you are looking for the safest way, download NewPipe APK today from this website. Also, keep visiting for the latest updates and more exciting articles.